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Kundalini Yoga Men Leeds Group Sessions
I deliver kundalini yoga classes in Adel, North Leeds. Male Yoga classes in a safe friendly space.
1 hr1 hKundalini Yoga Leeds
Service Description
By bringing my teachings of kundalini yoga directly to you, Kundalini Yoga Leeds has selected and designed specific kriya's which are uniquely tailored to you as an individual . My male group Yoga Session integrates kundalni yoga poses (asanas) and breathwork as part of my holistic technique. This group is for male beginners. at The Old Stables, Adel, Leeds. Navigate to the booking button and select the available dates and this will activate the personal details page and basket to buy now. This yoga course is limited to 12 people only. and lasts for 7 weeks.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Adel War Memorial Association, Church Lane, Adel, Leeds, UK
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