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Leeds Mens Yoga You Can Trust. Yoga For Men (& Those Who Identify As Male). 

I first began practicing  Kundalini Yoga when I moved back to Leeds from London in 2014, and I  graduated from the Kundalini University as a registered Kundalini Yoga Teacher in July 2022.


With my mens yoga groups in North Leeds, Yorkshire, my intention as a professional Kundalini Yoga Instructor is to guide clients to mental and physical allignment through breathwork, krya's (sets of movements and poses), asana's (poses), meditations and sound therapy. 



My understanding of sound and acoustics comes from my background as an artist/producer and musician, and my qualifications in Music Technology and Sound Production. I also attended Leeds Becket University as a mature student in 2014 when I returned to my home City of Leeds for a Post Graduate Diploma in Acoustics.


Sound therapy is very important in my yoga classes, as sound is intrinsicly connected to Kundalini Yoga, mantra and meditation. The resonant frequencies produced with the voice helps to stimulate the vagus nerve which helps us to become calm and connected. We will often use instruments to accompany mantra and chanting. 



I work with people to help find the courage to step out of their comfort zones to overcome, nourish and master their emotional and physical selves through the use of Kundalini Yoga and  Kundalini  energy which is released from the bottom of the spine. The kundalini energy and prana (life force) can be distributed around the body by using these  powerful ancient krya's, meditation and mudra's (hand positions) which are passed on from teacher to student forming a "golden chain" of teachings.


I came across Kundalini Yoga after an illness that left me needing to establish a new routine to help with mental clarity and physical fitness. It was the breathwork aspect of Kundalini Yoga that first drew me towards it. Then the mantra and meditation parts of the Yoga and the use of sound and resonant frequencies in order to stimulate the vagus nerve and calm the cenral nervous system solidified my devotion to this ancient practice. 


Kundalini Yoga has helped me immensely physically, mentally and spiritually. Over the last 10 years I have successfully partially re-alligned various parts of my skeletal system, muscle and fascia through the use of kundalini yoga kryas, asanas and meditations. This is still very much work in progress.... I have been working to ease chronic pain in my neck, shoulders and hip caused by a combination of arthritis and a reversed slipped disc in my neck pushing on  nerves.



I travelled to Vancouver the first time in 2017 for the 3HO Kundalnini Mens Camp intensive kundalini yoga training with so many great Guru's and  teachers, including my current teacher Guru Singh. I feel really fortunate to have found such a great and humble teacher, who has been surrounded with Yoga from birth. Guru Singh is a third generation Master Yogi from the West coast of North America who worked alongside Yogi Bahjan from 1969. Paramahansa Yogananda was Guru Singhs first teacher.


I found the kundalini yoga community so welcoming and genuine that I then returned in 2018 for the mens camp training. I continued to practice kundalini yoga and in 2021 I  signed up for the Kundalini University yoga teacher training programme with Guru Singh and Brett Larkin, which I  completed in 2022. 



At the moment I am choosing to focus on working with groups of men only in my Saturday morning yoga sessions. I believe that its really important for men to have acceess to this type of yoga without feeling too self concious. There are the obvious differences in male and female bodies and body shapes that are fully taken into consideration along with male and female energies.


 Male yoga classes provide Yorkshire men that may have previously considered trying yoga but were put off by the female to male ratio in the average yoga class in Leeds, a safe space to exlplore. Kundalini Yoga has both masculine and feminine aspects to it and Saturday mornings at 8am are my male yogi classes.


 With kundalini yoga as a framework for exercise and with a focused attention to our consciousness, we can learn to connect with ourselves in totally new ways which help us to grow as human beings. We can learn to be calm - in and amongst the storm. 


Practicing kundalini yoga asanas helps to teach us to be present in the moment by utilising breath and movement. I hope that my clients can experience the similar peace, calm and joy that kundalini yoga practice gives to me. 


Get in touch with me if you’re new to yoga or want to find out more. I will be starting my next set of mens kundalini yoga sessions in Adel, Leeds on Saturday March 29th, 8am - 9am. There may, occasionaly  be spaces available between the set start dates. Please email me to find out more. All The Best and Sat Nam! Now Booking For Saturday 29th March 2025.

The next intake will be Saturday 29th March 2025, please let me know if you want to go on the waiting list, or make payment through the current payment link and I will contact you.  Please get in touch if you have any problems with the payment link here.

Mens Kundalini Yoga Class with Mark Fran
Clifftop Yoga
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